Vaious Types of Donation

Remembrance Day Donations are given in which the birthdays, marriage anniversaries and death anniversaries are remembered. Free distribution of fruits are done daily.
ANNADAN : This is a donation, which can be given by anybody, which is utilized for free food given to the patients of all the classes, who are admitted.
This donation is Rs.11,000/-, are accepted per donor, which helps in the management of dialysis patients and their dialysis charges are subsidized.
Miscellaneous donations are received now and then for purchase of costly medical equipments.
Poor patients fund also is maintained, from where subsidies are given in day-to-day indoor treatment of poor patients.
Only Cheques are accepted.
At Inlaks General Hospital we have 16 free beds where patients are treated totally free.

Facilities of 50% discount on all investigations viz. Pathology, ECG, X-Ray, Sonography, PFT and Stress Test are rendered on all Saturdays and Sundays.
This Medical institution conforms to all the requirements of the Charity commissioner's mandet (Mumbai).