From past experience, medical history and clinical judgment, it is noticed beyond a shadow of doubt, that chronic renal failure lead by gross damage to the renal parenchyma and tissue functioning is a common ailment afflicting the elderly group of patients of either sex, noticeably in lower socio economic strata. Most renal disease attack the filtering system. Damaged kidneys fail to filter the waste products adequately leading to their collection in the human circulation and poisoning the body. The problem can be termed as a SILENT MENACE.

Risk Factors are :-

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • 65 yrs. and older patients
  • Family history of Renal & Heart disease
  • Overweight.

The investigation which are a gross pointer to the mandatory necessity of Dialysing a patient are as under :-

  • Total Renal Profile
  • Serum Creatinine
  • Blood Urea Nitrogen
When these investigations indicate an upward trend of rising values, damage is evident. Renal dialysis is advised as an essential component of EMERGENCY LIFE SAVING TREATMENT.
The frequency of dialysis is based on the values of creatinine and BUN and if these values are very high, the frequency of Dialysis is three times a week, otherwise, it is twice a week. Each dialysis lasts for 4 hours and this methodology continues for a minimum period of 6-8 months, during which the treatment gets modified by the reduction in the level of serum Creatinine and BUN and the frequency of Dialysis in turn gets altered. Sometimes the requirement of Dialysis becomes life long
and if the kidney damage is permanent, the final answer is only Renal transplantation - not available so easily in our country for the poor and down trodden.
The present charge in the hospital is Rs. 1250/- per dialysis which is the lowest that can be offered to any patient suffering with this malady of C.R.F. (Chronic Renal Failure). We are continuing to make all out efforts to reduce this financial burden on the pateint relentlessly. We give discount to poor and deserving patients. The basic cost involvement itself is too heavy for even a patient coming from middle class and below to bear the burden. In the existing circumstances, the Management
of the hospital is seeking small donations from the generous donors who can help the Management in subsidizing the cost and render the service to the ailing in a still inexpensive and sympathetic manner. Inlaks General Hospital is offering 330 Dialysis free every month to the needy, part financial aid from Safal Group, Smt. Manju Asrani Trust,Chembur.