• As a community services we hold FREE MEDICAL CHECK UP CAMPS from time to time, with services of the volunteers and Doctors and Honoraries. Hundreds of patients are benefited from these camps.
  • Various camps are viz. Mineral Bone Density Camps, General Camps dealing with medicine, surgery, ENT, Eye, Gynaec and Pediatrics, Diabetes Detection Camp, Dermatology Camp, Pediatric Asthma Camp, Cancer detection camp, Cardiac camp and obesity & life style camp.
  • Free Cataract Surgeries have also been done in plenty.
  • The hospital has been conducting Basic Health Check-up for the senior citizens and others at very nominal charges. Also we do Comprehensive Health Check up.
  • We also provide subsidised numbered spectacles.
  • A scheme for catarael Surgeries has been envolved for 275 patient, at highly concessional rates.
  • Hospital gives 50% concession on all Pathology Test, ECG, X-Ray and Sonography's on saturdays and Sundays.